Month: October 2016

Choosing your render colour

19 10/16
render colour

Choosing your render colour

Choosing your render colour Don’t be afraid of white

We often hear peo­ple say that they don’t want to choose white because of the dis­coloura­tion that tends to hap­pen with white walls. The dif­fer­ence is that our sil­i­cone ren­der does not allow water droplets to col­lect on it – it is hydropho­bic. This means that the ren­der tends to keep its colour much bet­ter than your typ­i­cal painted sand-cement wall. Around half of our cus­tomers go for a white fin­ish, and we haven’t had any com­plaints yet!

White doesn’t mean bright

Many peo­ple also avoid white because it can be a bit too bright and shiny. The good news is that because of the tex­ture of the sil­i­cone ren­der, the white is much duller than on a per­fectly smooth sur­face – it isn’t too bright in our opin­ion.

Lighter colours last longer

When choos­ing a colour, you should be aware of the dif­fer­ences between the lighter and darker colours in terms of their cost, suit­abil­ity for cer­tain walls and longevity.